Hi! I'm Suhayb. I like making things beautiful.
I'm a junior front-end developer that adds value to
user-centric projects and communicative developement and
design teams.
I try to keep code terse and modular and
human interaction fluid.
Drop me a line or connect with me on LinkedIn.
We'll get things done.
How to work with what you have.
This simple project tells the tale of collaborative success against
adverse constraints and conditions.
But sometimes winning the battle doesn't mean winning the war...
Everybody knows I have a thing for fashion.
When I was looking through designs on codepen and saw a fashion carousel that looked clean, I thought I would have some fun recreating it.
Then I popped the hood...
and found a dire need for a comprehensive refactor.
An intensive traversal of advacnced JavaScript concepts, from async functions and APIs to throttling and recursion.
TypeScript inside and out as it's used in the industry.
Hands-on and project-grounded sail through utility-based responsive design with one of the world's most popular CSS frameworks.
"In the multimedia space, success is often predicated on leadership at the helm. Specifically, leadership that’s able to realize the potential in a project by thinking inside and outside the box. Suhayb Yunus is one such individual.
— Sohaib Awan
Without compromising the targeted goal of a project, he masterfully balanced expectations with execution. Most importantly, he did so in a way that engendered a collaborative spirit among his peers. I’m confident he would be boon to any company or initiative."