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Vogue in the East

I was just looking for something beautiful to use in layout practice when I found a carousel for a mock fashion/ecommerce site.
I thought it looked okay and opened it up to start my own version.

Instead of layout practice, it turned into a wholesale refactor project.

I wanted to first and foremost simplify the code.
There's usually no need to use JavaScript for what CSS can do easily, let alone HTML.

Secondly, update legacy code and old practice.
We don't need all those vars and webkits on this project.

Only after that are we thinking about actual design.

Even if it's not a real world project, I like to pretend like it is.
So I thought like a fashion company and targeted my customers. Photos front-and-center. Elegant and high-end theme. And if we're thinking mobile-first for a fashion site, we want to use the whole screen real-estate for those hires photos on small viewports. We might even need to adjust position to a focal point.

html5 bootstrap template by

Check out the live version for a sleek, accessible experience.
This started as a simple demonstration, but now may be the springboard to an actual ecommerce fashion site soon to be in development.

There was a lot to do here! We brought 121 lines of JS down to 25, for example.
The GitHub includes both psuedocode that describes my changes and choices and copies of the orignal creator's JS/CSS/HTML in their own md files.
